Finding the correct way to deliver your refrigerated stock to customers, in a time critical manner can be a logistical night mare.
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Posted on: 21/11/2022
One of the busiest times of year for any courier service is Black Friday and Cyber week.
With the British public rushing to get a great deal on high value tech and wares, many courier companies are feeling the strain of customer demand on their services.
We have all heard of horror stories involving big brand couriers. Whether that is electronics being left on the street to face the winter elements, to expensive items being lost or dropped off at the wrong address or depot. It is easy to blame the drivers in this case and put it down to a lack of care for customer’s items. Now although that may be a factor for some of the big courier services, it is not the whole story.
At often times the sheer over subscription of customers and a lack of forecasting and preparedness from those in charge, leave drivers so over worked and under pressure they unfortunately need to cut corners in order to meet deadlines and urgent delivery times. The problem is that for a lot of the customer hoping to take advantage of their black Friday bargains, the cutting of corners from the courier, means that these deals are handled with a lot less care and attention. At often times inexperienced drivers are brought in to plug up the gaps in the pre Christmas black Friday rota. These inexperienced drivers are often not vetted and for the most part have little affiliation with the company they are in fact working for. In short you cannot expect the same diligence, expertise and care from what is essentially a Christmas temp.
So how do you get those last minute, urgent black Friday deals to your home without the risk of damage to the items or your mental wellbeing (yes if you’ve ever bought something  expensive, long awaited its delivery to get told its ‘lost in transit’ you will indeed be stressed). One answer to this is the use of a dedicated courier service. Dedicated couriers operate much differently than the main brand house hold names in the delivery industry. The main reason being that they exclusively carry the customer’s goods on board, reducing the chance of the items being lost or damaged in transit to a statistical finitude.  Another plus side to using an urgent same day courier service is the focus on you as a customer.
With a dedicated delivery, you are kept informed of ETA’s, driver location as well as any delays or dispatch issues. Any dedicated courier service has the scope to uphold this level of transparency as each driver is dealing with only one customers items at a time. Larger companies with hundreds of customer’s items on board simply do not have the man power to let every customer know when they have a highly probable break down and delay. Drivers who work for a dedicated courier a x10 more likely to have delivery experience. Undoubtedly though out a delivery driver’s day there will be times that some addresses are not as easy to locate or access as others.
Who would you rather have in this instance, a competent, experienced driver with your number and that of his operatives? Or an over worked Christmas temp, with instructions to deliver items and move on quickly by any means necessary? If you want to take advantage of black Friday deals and cyber week, pick your courier wisely. You’re not getting a deal if the deal is not delivered.