The new way or habits to buy, with the E-commerce, has changed the form of how parcels are transported and delivered to customers.
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Posted on: 21/09/2022
The way that we buy, sell and send items has changed drastically in the last two decades.
E-commerce has transformed how parcels are transported and delivered to customers. This change has affected consumer habits and expectations so drastically that sales are made and lost based on a retailer’s ability to deliver within 24hrs.
This expectation is not exclusive to E-commerce. The same day delivery expectation has become ubiquitous for companies whose business incorporates any form of domestic delivery. The fact that 24hr delivery is ubiquitous across so many sectors means that a great strain has been left on companies who still use a traditional (2-3 day) courier service. The expectancy for same day delivery has become so widely established that the old mantra in business has changed from ‘first come, first served’ to ‘first come first serving’. If your product can’t get there in 24hrs, somebody else’s can.
A traditional courier takes around 2 to 3 days to deliver; this is based upon the fact that traditional couriers turn profit off delivering too many customers using one delivery route. This way of working is more commercially viable for the courier as they can fulfil multiple (most times more than 50) customers orders in one run. However, this method of delivery can (and often does) come at a great cost to the customer. Everybody has at least one horror story of an eagerly awaited parcel going missing, being damaged or left somewhere unsafe. As per the ‘Consumer Rights Act 2015’ when such a delivery goes awry, the cost of the loss is not left with the courier, but is left to you the retailer to subsidies.
Same day couriers operate very differently from their traditional counterpart. Whilst increased risk is taken on by retailers who choose to employ a traditional courier; this risk is almost eradicated for sellers who employ a same day courier. This is due to items on a same day courier service been under taken on what the industry calls a ‘dedicated load’. This simply means that only your items will be taken on the vehicle whilst delivering your order. With only one customers items on board and no stops that need to be made during the delivery, the chances of the items been dropped off at the wrong customers address, lost in transit or damaged by other goods is removed.
Opting for a same day or 24hr service may increase your commercial flexibility fortify your goods against loss or damage and means that you can keep up with the ever advancing pace of modern commerce. In terms of you reputation it serves to have your goods their promptly and in good condition, these factors are at risk choosing anything other than a 24hr dedicated delivery service.
Cut-off time is the specific time orders must be placed to qualify for either next day or same day delivery. This gives couriers enough time to make their deliveries within the bounds of the specific service they opted for. Naturally, next day delivery has a different cut-off time than same day for fairly obvious reasons.
Next day delivery has a bit more leeway in terms of cut-off time since couriers have until the following day to complete the delivery. Companies generally have until the end of office hours, which is around 5 pm, to do what’s necessary to comply.
Same day courier service, on the other hand, has an earlier cut-off. Depending on the area, the time usually lands at noon. This gives couriers plenty of time to deliver the goods for the rest of the afternoon or evening.
Collection time for both services varies, too, and is relative to when the goods need to be delivered.
Next day delivery is usually set at the end of the day or after office hours.
Same Day Courier, collection time is strict to avoid delays. This gives enough time for both retailers and couriers to prepare the packages and load them onto the delivery vehicles.
Same Day Courier Service is fast becoming an important option for consumers who prefer to have their purchased goods arrive at their doorstep at the soonest possible time. Thanks to technology and innovative strategies, we can now benefit from these on-demand services with just a few clicks of a button.
If your business still isn’t jumping on the opportunity to offer these services, it’s high time you start planning on how to integrate them into your process. You can either invest in the tech and transport equipment or go for the more cost-effective route of acquiring the help of a third-party service provider to fulfil this need. Based on the numbers we’ve provided, the effect to your business is going to be staggering.
At Collect Same Day Couriers, we can help you and offer the best Same Day Courier service. Collect Same Day Couriers are family-run business with over 20 years of experience in the logistics industry specialised in urgent deliveries – giving us the expertise you need to deliver your package, wherever it needs to go nationwide..
If you would like to work with a same day courier service, contact us today or call us on 0333 344 3028. Alternatively, you can contact us via email on
We’d welcome your call and the opportunity to provide you with an outstanding Same Day Courier Service.